Kingpin adalah salahsatu musuh Daredevil, Ia tidak memiliki kekuatan namun Ia termasuk musuh yang lancar dalam melakukan tindakan kriminalnya. Dan Vincent D'Onofrio mampu menumbukan karakter tersebut dalam perannya.
Musuh Wolverine 3 Dikonfirmasi
Dikutip dari LRM, bahwa Vincent mengkonfirmasi dirinya akan kembali memerankan sebagai Kingpin dalam Serial Tv Daredevil terbaru."Marvel, the company, and especially Jeff Loeb, who runs Marvel Television, he's a clever dude. All those people over there are pretty clever and they love talent. There's no giant commitment for me at Daredevil. Like I didn't have to sign my life away at all. When Jeff tells me there's something coming up and if I'm available, I'll be there. And because it's written so well, I'm going to show up. I'm going to do everything I can because the writing is so good. And then there's a company like Netflix and they're not pressuring you either. They just want good material, good content. They give you money to make good content, so they're not pressuring actors to sign their life away either.... I think that there's this common ground where they say, 'Look, if the material is good are you going to show up?' and I said, 'Definitely'."Kingpin pertama kali muncul dalam Serial Tv Daredevil Season 2. Tentu saja, bahwa Kingpin bisa muncul dalam Series mana saja dalam Netflix Universe, baik dalam Luke Cage, Jessica Jones, maupun The Deffenders, hal tersebut karena saling terhubung.
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